Thursday, January 4, 2007

Before You Say "I Do"

"In love, as in other matters, what you don’t know may hurt you." That statement begins an article entitled "Marriage is Not Built on Surprises" by Eric Copage in a December issue of New York Times about preparing for marriage. He talks about couples attending retreats and seriously discussing issues with their upcoming marriage. He correctly points out the problems with most couples during the engagement process:
For too many couples, the spouses-to-be assume that they know each other and the ground rules for their marriages, experts say. And sometimes those heading to the altar dodge important questions because they don’t want to rock the boat.

Along with the article is a link to a list of 15 Questions Couples Should Ask (Or Wish They Had) Before Marrying that is a great resource for ministers in counseling.

I missed the article in December and am encouraged that it still ranks on the site's most popular section. As Christians, we should be encouraged by articles like this that echo our concern for the importance of the institution of marriage.

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